Thank you for raising money to support the Captain Joseph House Foundation! Donations are critical to the success of Captain Joseph House.
Captain Joseph House Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions to the Foundation are deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code. The Foundation is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under sections 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the IRS Code.
Some people don’t like to send letters or ask outright for a donation, so following are some alternative ideas for raising money, often used for runs of this nature. Once the collection is made, the runner turns it in as one lump sum. Donor envelopes can be provided if someone wants them for those who donate and want a tax notice. Contact the Foundation at 360.460.7848 or email for donor envelopes prior to your fundraiser.
Writing letters/emails is one of the quickest and maybe easiest means to raise money.
Make a list of people you know – friends, family, workplace people, professionals in your community who you might see, such as dentists, doctors, lawyers, people who work out at your gym, etc. If just 10 people respond and agree to donate $50 each, you have already raised $500!
Runners can check with their employers who may have Matching Gift programs.
Usually there is a special form to fill out and runners need to obtain that from their place of work.
“Empty Your Pockets and Purses” for Captain Joseph House Foundation!
This can be done through work, school, job, neighborhood, family, etc. Pick a month and ask these folks to empty loose charge from pockets, purses, jackets, etc., into a jar/box at the end of the day. The container should be decorated with Run For Joe information and informational flyers should be made available. At the end of the month, pick up the change containers from the various sites participating in the project.
If a runner has a birthday, anniversary, wedding, new house, new job, retirement, etc.
Ask that your family and friends make a donation to you for this year’s Run For Joe in lieu of the usual gift!
Host a Virtual Home Party
Mary Kay, Tupperware, candles, jewelry, etc. Instead of keeping the hostess percentage to purchase items, donate that amount to the runner’s fund.